class Octokit::Connection::Paginator(T)


Returned for all paginated responses, such as with Client::Repositories#repositories. Allows you to fetch the next page, the last page, or fetch all pages in a response.


pages = @client.repositories
pp pages
# => #<Octokit::Connection::Paginator(Octokit::Models::Repository):0x555c3d36a000>

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Octokit::Client, url : String, current_page : Int32 | Nil = nil, per_page : Int32 | Nil = nil, auto_paginate : Bool | Nil = nil, options : Halite::Options | Nil = nil) #

Create a new instance of Connection::Paginator

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Instance Method Detail

def [](index) #

Get the record at a specific index.

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def []?(index) #

Get the record at a specific index, returning nil if the index contains no record.

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def current_page : Int32 #

Get the current page.

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def empty? : Bool #

Checks if the paginator is empty.

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def fetch_all : Array(T) #

Fetch all pages.


@client.repositories.fetch_all # => Array(Repository)

Note: This is automatically called if Configurable#auto_paginate is set to true.

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def fetch_next : Array(T) | Nil #

Fetch the next page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.fetch_next # => Array(Repository)

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def fetch_page(page : Int32) : Array(T) | Nil #

Fetch a specific page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.fetch_page(4) # => Array(Repository)

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def fetch_previous : Array(T) | Nil #

Fetch the previous page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.fetch_previous # => Array(Repository)

Note: This is really only useful if you want to fetch records backwards for some reason. Included just in case.

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def last? : Bool #

Checks if the current page is the last page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.last? # => Bool

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def last_response : Halite::Response | Nil #

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def next? : Bool #

Check if there is a next page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.fetch_next # => Bool

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def previous? : Bool #

Check if there is a previous page.


pages = @client.repositories
pages.previous? # => Bool

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def records : Array(T) #

Get all collected records. This is updated every time a fetch_* method is called.

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def remaining : Int32 | Nil #

Get the number of pages remaining.

Note: This is only not nil after a page has been fetched.

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def total_pages : Int32 | Nil #

Get the number of total pages for this query.

Note: This is only not nil after a page has been fetched.

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