module Octokit::Client::PullRequests

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary

DEFAULTS = {state: "open", sort: "created", direction: "desc"}

The default options for listing pull requests

DIRECTIONS = ["asc", "desc"]

Valid directions in which to sort PullRequests

FILTERS = ["all", "assigned", "created", "mentioned", "subscribed"]

Valid filters for PullRequests

SORTS = ["created", "updated", "comments"]

Valid sort for PullRequests

STATES = ["all", "open", "closed"]

Valid states for PullRequests

Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def close_pull_request(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) #

Close a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.close_pull_request("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def create_pull_request(repo : String, base : String, head : String, title : String, body : String, **options) #

Create a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.create_pull_request("crystal-lang/crystal", "master", "new-branch", "Title", "Body")

[View source]
def create_pull_request_comment(repo : String, number : Int64, body : String, commit_id : String, path : String, line : Int32, **options) #

Create a comment on a pull request

This method applies to pull request review comments. Pull request review comments are NOT the same as standard comments left on PRs - those are issue comments.

See Also:


  • repo (String) — A GitHub repository

  • number (Integer) — Pull request number

  • body (String) — Comment content

  • commit_id (String) — Sha of the commit to comment on

  • path (String) — Relative path of the file to comment on

  • line (Integer) — Line number in the diff to comment on

  • side (String) — Side of the diff that the comment applies to (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • start_line (Integer) — Start line for multi-line comments

  • start_side (String) — Start side for multi-line comments (LEFT or RIGHT)

  • in_reply_to (Integer) — ID of the review comment to reply to

  • subject_type (String) — Level at which the comment is targeted (line or file)


Octokit.create_pull_request_comment("crystal-lang/crystal", 123, "Comment body", "commit_id", "path/to/file.txt", 1, side: "RIGHT")

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def create_pull_request_comment_reply(repo : String, number : Int64, body : String, in_reply_to : Int64, **options) #

Create a reply to a comment on a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.create_pull_request_comment_reply("crystal-lang/crystal", 123, "Comment body", 456)

[View source]
def create_pull_request_for_issue(repo : String, base : String, head : String, issue : Int32, **options) #

Create a pull request for an issue

See Also:


Octokit.create_pull_request_for_issue("crystal-lang/crystal", "master", "new-branch", 123)

[View source]
def delete_pull_request_comment(repo : String, comment_id : Int64, **options) #

Delete a comment on a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.delete_pull_request_comment("crystal-lang/crystal", 456)

[View source]
def merge_pull_request(repo : String, number : Int64, commit_message : String, **options) #

Merge a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.merge_pull_request("crystal-lang/crystal", 123, "Commit message")

[View source]
def pull_merged?(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Bool #

Check if a pull request has been merged

See Also:


Octokit.pull_merged?("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def pull_request_comment(repo : String, comment_id : Int64, **options) #

Get a single comment on a pull request

This method applies to pull request review comments. Pull request review comments are NOT the same as standard comments left on PRs - those are issue comments.

See Also:


Octokit.pull_request_comment("crystal-lang/crystal", 456)

[View source]
def pull_request_comments(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Paginator(PullRequestComment) #

List comments on a pull request

This method applies to pull request review comments. Pull request review comments are NOT the same as standard comments left on PRs - those are issue comments.

See Also:


Octokit.pull_request_comments("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def pull_request_commits(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Paginator(Commit) #

List commits on a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.pull_request_commits("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def pull_request_files(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Paginator(CommitFile) #

List files on a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.pull_request_files("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def pull_requests(repo : String, **options) : Paginator(PullRequest) #

List pull requests for a repository

See Also:


Octokit.pull_requests("crystal-lang/crystal", state: "closed")

[View source]
def pull_requests_comments(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Paginator(PullRequestComment) #

List review comments on a pull request

This method applies to pull request review comments. Pull request review comments are NOT the same as standard comments left on PRs - those are issue comments.

See Also:


Octokit.pull_requests_comments("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def update_pull_request(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) #

Update a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.update_pull_request("crystal-lang/crystal", 123, title: "New Title", body: "New Body")

[View source]
def update_pull_request_branch(repo : String, number : Int64, **options) : Bool #

Update a pull request branch

See Also:


Octokit.update_pull_request_branch("crystal-lang/crystal", 123)

[View source]
def update_pull_request_comment(repo : String, comment_id : Int64, body : String, **options) #

Update a comment on a pull request

See Also:


Octokit.update_pull_request_comment("crystal-lang/crystal", 456, "New comment body")

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