module Octokit::Connection

Included Modules

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CONVENIENCE_HEADERS = Set {"accept", "content_type"}

Header keys that can be passed in options hash to {#get},{#head}

SUCCESSFUL_STATUSES = [201, 202, 204]

Successful status codes from PUT/POST/PATCH requests

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Octokit::Authentication

application_authenticated? application_authenticated?, basic_authenticated? basic_authenticated?, bearer_authenticated? bearer_authenticated?, token_authenticated? token_authenticated?, user_authenticated? user_authenticated?

Instance Method Detail

def agent #

Hypermedia agent for the GitHub API

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def delete(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP DELETE request

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def get(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP GET request

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def head(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP HEAD request

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def last_response #

Response for last HTTP request

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def paginate(klass : T.class, url : String, *, start_page = nil, per_page = nil, auto_paginate = @auto_paginate, options = nil) : Paginator(T) forall T #

Make one or more HTTP GET requests, optionally fetching the next page of results from URL in Link response header based on value in #auto_paginate.

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def paginate(klass : T.class, url : String, *, start_page = nil, per_page = nil, auto_paginate = @auto_paginate, options = nil, &) #


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def patch(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP PATCH request

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def post(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP POST request

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def put(url, options = nil) #

Make a HTTP PUT request

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def root #

Fetch the root resource for the API

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